Person file description
Person file description according to the Finnish Personal Data File Decree (523/1999) paragraph 10.
Registry holder:
Oulunsuun Nuorisoseura, Polokkarit.
Pirtintie 8
90230 Oulu
polokkaritoulu (at)
Contact information:
Antti Kohtala
Oulunsuun Nuorisoseura, Polokkarit.
Business ID 0281008-2
Pirtintie 8
90230 Oulu
Registry name:
Oulunsuun Nuorisoseura, Polokkarit e-mail and customer registry
Reason for handling personal information:
Marketing to potential customers, customer care and customer service.
Contents of the registry:
Personal Name, e-mail, cookie information to adjust contents of the online services for customers.
Normal personal information sources:
Information is only collected on registry holders own activities. Information sources are starting of customer or marketingrelationship by e-mail or by online forms on registry holders website
Normal submission of personal information:
Registryholder will not submit personal information for anyone outside the organization.
Migration of information outside EU or ETA:
Personal information outside EU is held according to Safe harbor agreement (European directive 95/46/EC).
Principles of registry safety:
Manual copy of this information does not exist.
All the information saved and used on data processing systems is only vieved and processed by named and limited personnel. Usage of this information requires login to a data prosessing system.
Cancellation of subscription and forbiddance of direct marketing:
Customers have a right to forbid the usage of their personal information by informing the registry holder.